Each instructor has created an individual supply list for each class. We encourage you to read carefully as you will notice that some items are duplicated and will work for multiple days.
- one or two 11" x 14" or 16" x 20" sheets of Hot Press watercolor paper or Primed Wooden Panel which ever you prefer.
- Small container of Reg Gel Matte Medium (dick blick brand works great)
- Titanium White Acrylic Paint
- Golden or Blick Brand Acrylic Soft (or Regular) Gel Matte Medium
- Variety of heavy body acrylic Paints. Yellow, Blue, Red is all you need, but if you have a few favorite colors brings them.
- (My favorite paints are Golden Heavy body paints; quinacridone nickel azo gold, payne's grey, and alizarin crimson)
- Marks All Black Stabilo Pencil
- Container for water
- 9" x 12" Sketch pad
- Pencil/eraser
- Rags or wipes
- Brushes (small to medium)
- Printed (on regular copy paper) images of yourself. Black and White works great! A full 8" x 10" print out of your (or the person you are painting) face would be best. Bring a couple different images to choose from.
- Images, ideas, poetry you feel connected to that you would like to add to your painting.
A few Water Soluble crayons (caran d'ache)
White gel pen or marker
Gold Paint
* 2 vintage book covers, 7” x 9” or larger
* Heavy white paper for your signatures. I like 100# Bristol paper as it’s heavy enough to paint and do mixed media work on. You can also include lighter recycled papers if you like. To prepare white paper for 3 signatures, cut or tear it into 9 sheets that measure:
the length of your book cover minus ¼” BY the width of your cover x 2 minus ½”
* Images and papers for collage. Ideas include:
- vintage photographs (or copies) of your family/ancestors. Another option would be to use generic vintage photos, such as those purchased on ebay or antique stores to “stand in” for your family.
- Photos of yourself
- Vintage ephemera and small objects that are flat
- Vintage text
- Printed papers that appeal to you
- Bits of fabric, trim or lace
* Golden Soft Gel, matte
* Small bottle of white and clear gesso
* Acrylic paints – chose colors you’re drawn to
* Acrylic paint brushes
* Black Stabilo pencil, or soft graphite pencil
* An old book of poetry you can cut up for the words
*Odds and ends… A piece of heavy cloth, (canvas, heavy linen, duck, etc) for spine, at least 6” wide and 2” longer than the length of your cover, trim or braid and any embellishments to decorate your cover. I’ll plain canvas available for spines if you’d like to use that.
Optional but
* Sewing machine with Denim needle and heavy thread. I’ll be bringing my sewing machine and it would be wonderful to have several machines that we could all share as we’re putting together our books.
* Stamps, stencils, punches, watercolor crayons, or any other tools and supplies you like to use when you create.
- hobby paints, brushes, water container, apron, scissors, pencil
- a substantial weave of muslin in a size you like (mine is 14x18”)
- a sewing machine with a floating foot if you have one
- thread
- small scraps of calico (a few fat quarters are perfect for this)
- a practice piece of fabric
Optional but will make life easier for you:
- several push pins
- a back board to pin your fabric to while you paint it
- a piece of paper to put behind the muslin
A comprehensive booklet of information, guidelines and recipes will be provided with plenty of room for note taking. Students need only bring a sense of curiosity and a hearty apetite.
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