A month ago I opened registration for my newest online class - Off The Chain. I had intended to leave the early registration price up for just a week or two but I was on the road, internet/computer access was limited at best, and so the discount has been available much longer than planned. I'm so happy to have so many of you on board! Just a heads up...I'm closing the early registration price of $35 tomorrow night (Wednesday) so if you want to get in on it before then, you'll save a bit o' cash. No worries if you don't. The class is still super affordable (regular price of $45) for a week of daily instructional videos - often more than one a day - all about making a varaiety of chains. You can use the techniques you'll learn in this class for jewelry, assemblage, book making, or, my favorite, keeping a teenager at home when she would MUCH rather be out with friends. It works wonders. Or so I've heard.
Anyway, if you want to get in on the class early, come on over! I'd love to have you!
**UPDATE: EARLY REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. You can still register for $45 by clicking the button below:**
In other random news:
1) I'm mucking through the trenches on these golden late days of summer. The nights have been chilly and I'm scrambling to keep up with the waning tomatoes and other garden produce. With the help of my friend over the past couple of days i've put up quite a stock pile of pear products. Ginger preserves, Pear/Orange/Walnut Compote, Pear Sauce, Whole Vanilla Pears, and Pear Butter. A warmer comfort I can hardly find than that of adding such decadence to the larder.
2) Pup and I are still in conflict over the property boundaries. We start round two of obedience school tomorrow. She's doing much better in some ways - more mature - but that Border Collie drive overpowers all progress when we are outside. I've taken to running her on my bike just to let her bust out into fully speed. All that energy kept on the inside of the skin ain't no good for a dog like that. You oughta see her on the end of that leash, toungue flapping in the wind, the might of 8 sled dogs pulling me along, a big old smile, I swear. Does a heart good. I lap up every bit of that unconditional love as it no longer oozes from the eyes and lips of my ponies. Geeze. I thought for sure that my sweet natured darlings would surely by pass "the phase". Sigh. I will not reject mail addressed to them that reminds them how good they've got it and what a loving mom they have. You know how hearing it from somone else sometimes makes it stick. :)
Speaking of ponies...I hear the bus. Time to go put on my June Cleaver face and hug the snot right out of them.
(P.S. If you have emailed me in the past month and have not heard from me yet, please know that i am hacking away the the mountain at every chance I can. Thank you for your patience!)
Do you have any pictures of your off the chain projects? I am intrigued.
Posted by: Kristi | September 12, 2012 at 03:53 AM
I'd like to see some pictures too...PLEASE. :)
Posted by: Jackie | September 12, 2012 at 04:51 AM
Yes, I'd love to see some pictures too!!!
Posted by: susan swan | September 12, 2012 at 05:30 AM
Another vote for some pictures, please!
Posted by: Ellen Stoune | September 12, 2012 at 05:32 AM
Is there a list of supplies anywhere?
This sounds great but concerned about cost of supplies.
Posted by: Cheryl Curran | September 12, 2012 at 05:38 AM
I am really interested in this class, but would love to see a photo or two, and a supply list, before I commit. Thanks Stephanie!
Posted by: Tracey | September 12, 2012 at 01:26 PM
I agree with all the comments below. Would like to see a list of supplies and what we'll be making pllleeeeeaaaassseee!! Also, with this class be available after it's over? :) Thanks, Stephanie!
Posted by: Lora | September 13, 2012 at 10:23 AM
Sorry - all the comments above!
Posted by: Lora | September 13, 2012 at 10:24 AM