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October 02, 2012


Happy Birthday to your man! and I love that rainbow cake. Birthdays are the bomb!!

this is what i did when i turned 50...aprreciate that i am now amoung the wise sages...happy b-day to the man...awsome family...very kool cake...

I found out that turning 50 isn't the worst thing that can happen, au contraire, it's a very good thing! May you, and all your family, have the joy and love which is the mark of life well lived, and always hold that joy and love with an open hand, eager to share. For 'the more you give, the more you have'...(Shakespeare) God bless you all, And that! beautiful, and certainly made with love!

I'm just a week or so away from turning 51, so I can pretty much say with authority that 50 isn't too bad at all! Belated best wishes to Vince and man, that rainbow cake looks awesome!!

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