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December 31, 2013


Yes. To all of this. Much love in 2014, friend. xoxo

Awesome! (not my word - just like what it means- found it in the dictionary!) Post.

MY word for the year is ME. I think that about covers it all. x te

A great post and I'll just say - me, too.

hmmm. I've been a chooser of words over the past few years. "shine" and "growth" and for more than a few "balance".

this year? not feeling it.
not getting into the whole 'this year everything'll be different' mindset. maybe because I know it won't. or at least because some things will. and some things won't. and some of the things I hope will, won't. and... well... you get the picture.

and even though this might SOUND like I'm shut down and not available or open? complete opposite. I feel like flotsam and jetsam rolling on the ocean, open and easy, going with the flow.

it's kinda nice. xo

My word this year is "try".
As in :
Try to be more gentle.
Try to simplify my life.
Try new things.
Try to exercise more, etc.
I figure this way, there is no failing, as long as I try.

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