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January 31, 2014


Love this post, and you!!! ;-) xo

I will always hold dear the moment in time - at Asilomar - when I first witnessed the open, giving, trusting, and selfless gift of love you gave to that sweet birthday girl. You have never strayed from that path in all my encounters with you. I love you for me and I love you for the universe... because you are good people.

Beautiful Steph, just beautiful. Your soul - mmmmmmmm - I just want to give it a huge hug. You're such a blessing in my life. xo

Beautiful Steph, loved reading this. And can relate really well. I have a sneaking suspicion, since I have the same challenge with this term of love, it could be connected to being adopted. Just a thought. The more I read about being adopted, the more I understand how it affected my trust, personal relationships, everything. Thanks for sharing this, really touched home.
Oh, and sending much love!!!

Wow, love this, speechless, stewing in it for a moment.


So much to take in, but very touched by your wisdom!

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