Just look at this smile!! Is it not the most radiant thing you can imagine? (I'm her mom. Play along.)
Seriously though. This is my baby. She's funny, kind hearted, works VERY hard to do well academically, goes the extra mile whenever possible, and has an uncanny confidence in the presence of adults. I love so much about her and am also kind of having a hard time computing that she is now officially driving. Like real cars. Like my BIG car. Whoa.
This time last year, I was about to embark on a sweet journey with my oldest daughter, Melissa. She was loving her position as her High School FFA Chapter Secretary and her dedicated advisor had cut through a whole LOT of red tape to take a small group of students to Nashville/Louisville to participate in the National FFA Convention.
We hesitated to create a fundraising account - we felt we should be able to do it all ourselves. But as we were talking to different people, we heard time and time again, "We WANT to help!! Let us!"
My daughter mined her talents for something she could create to give as a thank you to those who donated and the result was a hauntingly beautiful professional recording of an original song she wrote. It kind of blew my mind to hear her voice in that form. It blew my mind even more how incredibly you all stepped in and echoed the sentiment "We want to help!! Let us!" and you did so with your dollars. Donations from $10-200 rolled in and we were able to finance the trip just in time. I still feel huge gratitude in my heart for the opportunity to experience that wonderful trip with my girl because of YOU!
Fast forward one more year and my baby Pony - Annabelle - has followed in her sister's footsteps and has been elected the chapter Secretary. She LOVES her role in the chapter and amazes me with her constant desire to do GOOD in our community. (If I had a nickel for every late night conversation that she and I had about how we could keep the grocery stores from throwing away good food..."can we pick it up and give it to the food bank? It's just getting THROWN AWAY, mom!")
We leave in one week. One very short week and we are quite a ways away from our funding mark. Like Melissa, Annabelle has mined her talents to create a thank you gift for everyone who helps. She has created an original art print of her own photo+typeography to not only to express her gratitude but also to give YOU something to remember to practice in your own life. (because GRATITUDE makes life so much sweeter.)
If you feel inspired to support Annabelle in the same was you incredibly supported Melissa, you would be showing her that you believe in her and her love, her heart, and her creative spirit that she wants to share with our community more and more through her position.
HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported this so far! We are so very grateful to you!