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February 19, 2016


Part of what makes those Pinterest Pretties so inviting is the fact that they ARE so simple (and serene and very, very well designed) and life. Well. Isn't.

The idea of Keeping Calm. And Carrying On. is just so gosh durned appealing. Because of COURSE! I need to chill the eff out. And of COURSE! I need to Just Do It. (Nike's version of Carry On)

Only. What is it I'm supposed to carry on DOING? And why was I so upset in the first place. Life is messy. Life is all of the above and none of the above. All the time. And never, ever.

What it comes down to is this:

Start wherever you are
Use whatever you have
Do whatever you can

Simple, right?

I don't know what made me find my way to your blog this early morning in my insomnia stupor but I did. I know it seems that I always relate to your words and the words of others you share and it's always at just the right time. But it's oh so true ....Word Porn Jackpot for me this morning! I'll never not believe I was meant to be here, at this very moment reading your very words!
Just don't pull the grammar pouch out on my comment ;)

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